Welcome to our exclusive ELIXIR Beta User Interview Experience!

Our beta user interview spots are currently full.

Sign up for our waitlist or newsletter to find out when they’re available again!

Discover the power of your lifetime data.

You’re invited to find out more about what we do here at ELIXIR!

Meet with Gem, our Chief Authenticity Officer,

for our one-on-one interactive experience!

+ find out more about our ELIXIR beta user program

+ help build our 2021 ELIXIR virtual time capsule!

+ chat about the pros and cons of having your AI self
— which appears digitally and sounds and interacts like you — built from your data!


Marlynn Wei, Creator of ELIXIR AI
Kevin Hourigan,
 Chief User Experience Director
Maggie McCaffery, as Gem, Chief Authenticity Officer
Kristy Bodall, as Quill, Backend User Experience Whisperer
Ryan Ferreira, Sound & Music Ninjaneer

Janice Amaya, Content Hero
Rachel Andres, Dev Champion
Kristy Bodall, User Experience Whisperer
Natalie Gershtein, Creator of Opportunities & Storytelling
Laura Gold, Ambassador of Buzz & Brand
Meghan Nelson, Literary Jedi
Cristina Pitter, Community Happiness Director
Philip Santos Schaffer, Wizard of Lightbulb Moments

ALL of our beta user virtual experiences are RECORDED (audio + visual) for our ELIXIR 2021 time capsule project — we will reach out to you before we feature any part of your interview for future ELIXIR events, programming, or marketing.

Ready to take the first step in your ELIXIR journey?